2020 Winter Dinner Delivery Service
2020 冬暖「愛心晚餐」
- 張麗珊
「…I would like to show my appreciation for the tremendous contributions of all volunteer workers. Despite the cold, rainy, snowy days and high volumne of meal delivery, volunteers have endeavoured their best means to overcome the barriers to come to help. You guys are amazing 👏👏👏. Thank you so much!」
- Anna
「很多謝您和您機構的義工們, 充滿愛心地為我送來多日的愛心餐。 請代我轉告: 我衷心地多謝義工們的辛勞。 祝您們聖誕平安!並祝您們身體健康!
- Anonymous
感謝您們的愛心和付出, 為有需要的長者提供送晚餐服務, 我行動不便亦能受惠, 在疫情期間得到幫助, 衷心祝福貴會精益求精, 能繼續為社區社群提供服務, 帶來積極與正面的影響。
- Ellis Wong
「偉大的義工們, 大風大雨大雪送餐!」
- Anonymous
"Thank your for this excellent Community Service!
Merry X'mas to All of you"
- 45 Coppard Ave.
「食完首周你哋啲愛心晚餐, 要俾5個👍👍👍👍👍好多謝你們盡心盡力的奔波安排!餐單好!味道好!有肉有菜有生果, 真的很好!幫了我很大忙!請代我向各位義工們、食肆、以及有關單位致意, 多謝大家、辛苦哂🙏🙏🙏請問, 風味小廚、嘉和燒臘在那?
- Anonymous
"It is a blessing to us having you and other volunteers working hard to bring warm food to us as well as to other seniors. May you all be richly blessed by our Lord! In today's special weather condition, I pray for the safety of you and your coworkers. May our Lord protect you wherever you go!"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- George Hung
「…謝謝你們在這個疫情中替我們送餐! 因為你們施予我們的愛心, 非常令我們感動! 再次多謝你們!!
祝福你們身體健康! 如意吉祥!」
- Angela Lee
2020 Modern Seniors Program: Meals delivery for seniors living in Markhm and Scarborough who are isolated and in need
Date of delivery: November 30 to December 31, 2020
Area of delivery: bounded by Hwy 401, Markham Road, Denison Street and Victoria Park Avenue.
Dinners will be supplied by well known restaurants.
Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin.
To register and inquire, please call from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday (starting November 23, 2020)
(416) 800-9868
(5 lines)
Please order three days in advance. Meal cost: $7
This program is funded by the Government of Canada through the New Horizon for Seniors Program.
Highlights of Press Release:
2020 Winter Meals Delivery Service - volunteers in action: