
Anti-Discrimination Policy           The Opera One Association (Opera One) supports and promotes equity, diversity and inclusion at every level within the organization. Opera One is committed to adhering to the Ontario Human Rights Code. This policy applies to all Opera One activities, including employment, purchasing, and selecting vendors or consultants.

Opera One do not discriminate against people based on the following grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code:
Age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), sexual orientation, receipt of public assistance, record of offences.

Opera One will not discriminate, or seek to limit the legal rights and activities of people.

Opera One will not practice unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of discrimination, whether intentional or unintentional, has the effect of preventing or limiting access to opportunities, benefits, or advantages that are available to other members of society.

It, however, is not considered a discriminatory practice for a person to adopt or carry out a special program, plan or arrangement designed to prevent, eliminate or reduce disadvantages that are likely to be suffered by any group of individuals when those disadvantages would be based on or related to the prohibited grounds of discrimination.

Service Policy           The Opera One Association (Opera One) is a community based charitable organization incorporated in Ontario and federally registered with the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency).

We commit to serve all members in our community regardless of age, gender, race, colour, ethnic origin, religious, linguistic or demographic background.

Our mission is to promote social wellbeing in our community and assist everyone to lead a more meaningful, more active, healthier and happier life. We like to provide all members of our community with a brighter future. In short, our mission is to promote health, education, respectful lifestyle and democratic engagement in our community.

We work in close partnership with all levels of government (federal, provincial, regional and municipal), local officials, law-enforcement agencies, social workers, non-profit support groups and other charitable entities to provide all needing groups with targeted programs and services.

We organized considerable number and variety of community services on regular basis. Many of which are targeted to social and community issues such as crime reduction, fraud prevention, social skills promotion and healthier lifestyle training.

In recent years, the scope of our social services has expanded vividly to include home visitation, meal and prescription delivery to needing families. We have also partnered with other social, civil, non-profit/charitable groups and local businesses to enhance the scope and benefits of our services.

Bad Weather Cancellation Policy           For the safety of all members and simplicity reasons, Opera One will follow the York Region School Bus Cancellation decision. When the school buses are cancelled due to inclement weather in Markham and Unionville, all of the Opera One programs will also be cancelled. Members are to listen to the Public Announcement via radio/TV or visit the school bus website at: http://www.schoolbuscity.com/cancellations/ for cancellation information as there will be no further announcement from Oper One. You are reminded that your personal safety should come first. Due to various driving conditions in different areas, attending a program is at your own discretion.

Fragrance Free policy           This is a fragrance free environment. We all breathe the same air. Please refrain from wearing (using) perfume, cologne, aftershave, or other fragranced, scented or odorous personal care or laundry products including shampoo, hair spray, hair care products, hand lotion, laundry detergent and dryer sheets for the health and comfort of all others members.
Chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions.

Policies/Guidelines for Parties, Workshops and Seminars           One of the objectives in the Opera One By-Laws/Constitution is to “Engender harmonious social interactions through Club programs and activities.” Parties are to promote harmonious social interactions among members. Guidelines are needed to ensure fairness and transparency.

Depending on the nature of the event, approval may or may not be required. There are three types of events, they are:

  1. Private parties – These are solely private parties held outside of the program locations. Normally a few friends or a group getting together for lunch, dinner or outings at members' expenses. Opera One does not get involved.

  2. Small group parties – these are held normally at the program locations and during the designated program time slots. Due to space limitation, it may only be able to accommodate those who are participating in that specific program. Any location change, time change... etc., must be approved by the Board in writing. Coordinating small group parties is the responsibilities of the program coordinators, program instructors and/or leads. Method of announcing such parties are at their discretion.

  3. Opera One parties/workshops/seminars -

    1. Any parties that are:

      1. held under the Opera One banner must apply to the Board for approval to obtain facilities and time slot outside the program location and time slot;

      2. organised by Opera One or program coordinator, instructor and/or lead;

      3. offered to all Opera One members with first priority.

    2. Non-members may or may not be allowed to participate in the event with or without fee at the discretion of the Board and based on the nature of the event.

    3. Opera One Board or designated individuals will coordinate Opera One parties/workshops/seminars.

    4. Opera One parties/workshops/seminars are announced to all members.

    5. Sufficient notice must be given to Board in writing for approval and arrangement of facilities with the City of Markham.

"Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much."

Helen Keller

About Opera One

Opera One is a charitable organization registered in Ontario and federally with Canada Revenue Agency.

Terms of Use
Our Policies

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Keeping in Touch

  • Phone:

    (416) 800-9868
    (647) 321-8878

  • Email:

  • Address:

    PO Box 64588
    Unionville, ON
    L3R 0M9